Common Injuries

CCL Full/Partial Tear

The Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) attached to the femur runs across the stifle joint and attaches to the tibia. The CCL holds the tibia in place and prevents internal rotation, hyperextension and the forward motion referred to as "The Drawer Motion". A CCL rupture is the tearing of the ligament either a partial or a complete tear resulting in instability, pain, and lameness in the affected limb.

Related Orthotics:  Stifle Knee Brace

Achilles Rupture

Animals that have a complete rupture in which all five tendons of the Achilles Tendon are torn will have a completely dropped hock, so that he/she is walking flat-footed rather than on their "tippy toes" like normal. They will also show signs of lameness, pain, and edema (swelling) that will follow the injury. With a partial rupture, the gastrocnemius tendon is torn but the superficial digital flexor tendon is still intact. Animals with a partial rupture will have a dropped hock, be lame in the affected leg and will stand with curled toes.

Related Orthotics: Hock/Tarsus/Achilles Orthotic

Carpal Hyperextension

Carpal hyperextension occurs when excessive force is applied to the carpus leading to a collapse of the carpal joint. Animals that have been diagnosed with carpal hyperextension have likely suffered a traumatic event, such as falling from a significant height. Older dogs may show signs of hyperextension due to a degeneration of the ligaments. Puppies may experience developmental hyperextension.

Related Orthotics: Carpal/wrist brace