Benefits of Knee Braces for Dogs

Knee Braces for Dogs

Benefits of Knee Braces for Dogs Dogs are active animals; they love to run, jump and play. But when they start to experience knee-related issues, it can be difficult for them to continue living their normal lives. That’s where Specialized Pet Solutions comes in! We offer high-quality knee braces that help reduce discomfort and keep…

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Your Options After Orthopedic Veterinary Surgery

If your pet needs orthopedic surgery, it’s important to know what to be prepared for post-surgery. At Specialized Pet Solutions, we offer pet orthotics, including animal braces, as well as prosthetic solutions, to help your pet — whether it’s a dog, cat, horse, goat, donkey, or any other animal — recover after their surgery. Here…

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What Specialized Pet Solutions Offers Your Pet

What Makes Us The Best [bs_button size=”md” type=”info” value=”Learn More About Specialized Pet Solutions” href=””] We know that you love your pets and won’t stop at anything to give them the quality of life they deserve. However, in the event of accidents, diseases, or even old age, we give your pets a chance of living…

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Pets Are Great in a Pandemic: Here’s Why

puppy and cat snuggling on floor

For over a year, Americans have been living under conditions that change on a day-to-day basis, new regulations and laws that seem to restrict freedoms and shutter businesses, and fears that cleaned out supermarket shelves in the beginning as we stockpiled everything we could get our hands on “just in case”. Every day, we have…

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Welcome to our site! We are passionate about animals and their health and wellbeing.  At Specialized Pet Solutions we make custom orthotics and prosthetics for animals allowing disabled animals to live their best life!  We build custom braces and prosthetics to fit your animal precisely by using a cast of the affected limb, we then…

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